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Daniel Patrick Rodríguez and Darío Corbeira, Preface; Milo? Petrovic, Foreword; Antonio Negri, On the Concept of Revolution; David Harvey, What is to be Done?; Barbara Epstein, On the Disappearance of Socialist Humanism; Alain Badiou, Politics: A Non-expressive Dialectics; Domenico Losurdo, The Adventures of the Revolutionary Subject from the 19th to the 21st Century; Alex Callinicos, New Theorists of the Dialectic? Alain Badiou and Slavoj ?i?ek; Slavoj ?i?ek, Welcome to Interesting Times!; Gene Ray, Limits of Terror: On Culture Industry, Enforcement and Revolution; Michael Löwy, Lukács?s Marxism of Revolutionary Subjectivity; Simon Critchley, Resistance is Utile: Authoritarianism versus Anarchism; John Holloway, We, the hidden schizophrenic cripples of the world, the true proletariat, are the revolutionary subject; Alberto Toscano, The Dirty Hands of the Dialectic; Milo? Petrovic Crisis, Critique, and the Left; John Bellamy Foster, Why Ecological Revolution?; David Harvey, Afterword