Este manual, DIVIDIDO EN DOS VOLÚMENES pretende aunar las descripciones clínicas con los datos más relevantes que nos proporcionan las investigaciones actuales y, con las teorías, hipótesis y modelos explicativos que los sustentan. Cuenta con un amplio número de destacados colaboradores, todos ellos expertos investigadores y/o profesionales del campo de la Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica
Amparo Belloch,Ph.D., Professor of Psychopathology, Department of Personality Psychology, University of Valencia, Spain. She was educated at the University of Valencia, Spain, and trained at the Psychiatric Hospital in Betera (Valencia, Spain). Her funded research on cognitive approaches to understanding obsessions and compulsions, as well as evidenced-based treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder, is presented in research journal articles and scholarly publications. She is also co-author on several books including Obsesiones y Compulsiones: Guía para el tratamiento cognitivo (Alianza Editorial, 2010), Trastornos de la Personalidad (2010, Sintesis), and Manual de Psicopatologia (2008, McGraw-Hill). Dr. Belloch is the current President of the Spanish National Board for Clinical Psychology, on behalf of the Spanish Ministries of Health and University. She is frequently invited to speak about her work at national and international conferences, and sits on the editorial boards of several psychological and psychiatric journals.<BR><BR>