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Cover Image: HARROW
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In her first novel since the Pulitzer Prize-nominated The Quick and the Dead, the legendary writer takes us into an uncertain landscape after an environmental apocalypse, a world in which only the man-made has value, but some still wish to salvage the authentic.

She practices ... camouflage, except that instead of adapting to its environment, Williams's imagination, by remaining true to itself, reveals new colorations in the ecology around her." --A.O. Scott, The New York Times Book Review

Khristen is a teenager who, her mother believes, was marked by greatness as a baby when she died for a moment and then came back to life. After Khristen's failing boarding school for gifted teens closes its doors, and she finds that her mother has disappeared, she ranges across the dead landscape and washes up at a "resort" on the shores of a mysterious, putrid lake the elderly residents there call "Big Girl."

In a rotting honeycomb of rooms, these old ones plot actions to punish corporations and people they consider culpable in the destruction of the final scraps of nature's beauty. What will Khristen and Jeffrey, the precocious ten-year-old boy she meets there, learn from this "gabby seditious lot, in the worst of health but with kamikaze hearts, an army of the aged and ill, determined to refresh, through crackpot violence, a plundered earth"?

Rivetingly strange and beautiful, and delivered with Williams's searing, deadpan wit, Harrow is their intertwined tale of paradise lost and of their reasons--against all reasonableness--to try and recover something of it.



Joy Williams es autora de cinco novelas, incluidas Los vivos y los muertos, que fue finalista del Premio Pulitzer, y Estado de gracia, que fue finalista del National Book Award. Es además autora de cuatro libros de relatos, reunidos en español en el volumen Cuentos escogidos, y de Ill Nature, un libro de ensayos con los que hace un llamamiento a actuar ante la actual crisis medioambiental, que fue finalista Premio del Círculo de Críticos estadounidenses. Ha sido galardonada, entre otros, con el Harold and Mildred Strauss Living Award de la Academia Estadounidense de las Artes y las Letras, de la que es miembro desde 2008, y el Premio Rea. Vive en Tucson, Arizona y Laramie, Wyoming.

Imagen de cubierta: CUENTOS ESCOGIDOS
Cover Image: LA RASTRA
Imagen de cubierta: LOS VIVOS Y LOS MUERTOS