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La expansión y dominio absolutos del capitalismo global desde principios del siglo xxi ha sido generalmente atribuida a la superioridad de los mercados competitivos. La globalización se nos aparecía como el resultado natural de este proceso imparable. Pero a día de hoy, con unos mercados globales cada vez más turbios y dependientes de la intervención estatal para mantenerse a flote, se ha hecho evidente que mercados y estados no son lo que se dice fuerzas opuestas.
En este trabajo pionero, Leo Panitch y Sam Gindin demuestran la íntima relación entre el capitalismo actual y el Estado norteamericano, en especial en el papel de «imperio informal» que promueve el libre comercio y los movimientos de capital. A través de un potente análisis histórico y estadístico, muestran cómo EEUU ha supervisado la reestructuración de otros estados en beneficio de mercados competitivos, así como coordinado la gestión de unas crisis financieras cada vez más frecuentes.
La formación del capitalismo global, a través de un análisis sorprendentemente original de la primera gran crisis económica del siglo xxi, la relaciona e identifica con la centralidad de los conflictos sociales que se producen en el seno de los estados, más que entre estados; fallas emergentes que alumbran la posibilidad de unos nuevos movimientos políticos que transformen los estados-nación y trasciendan los mercados globales.

«Mediante la feliz combinación de una ferocidad propia de los periodistas de investigación, de las sofisticadas habilidades necesarias para interpretar el archivo histórico y de una profunda comprensión de la teoría, Leo Panitch y Sam Gindin proporcionan un análisis absolutamente iluminador de la formación de un capitalismo global mediante la organización de un sistema financiero mundial bajo la égida de EEUU desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Una lectura obligada para toda persona preocupada por lo que el futuro del capitalismo nos puede llegar a deparar.»
David Harvey

«Panitch y Gindin nos entregan una historia del capitalismo mundial que reúne lo que tan a menudo se nos representa como desconectado y disperso. Los autores nos ayudan a ver hasta qué punto la activa formación de un capitalismo global es soslayada en las explicaciones mayoritarias al uso. Un magnífico libro.»
Saskia Sassen

«Una guía lúcida e imprescindible por la historia y la práctica del Imperio norteamericano.»
Naomi Klein



Leo Panitch, FRSC (born May 3, 1945 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) is a Distinguished Research Professor, renowned political economist, Marxist theorist and editor of the Socialist Register. He received a B.A. (Hons.) from the University of Manitoba in 1967 and a M.Sc.(Hons.) and PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science in 1968 and 1974, respectively. He was a Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor at Carleton University between 1972 and 1984.<BR><BR>He has been a Professor of Political Science at York University since 1984. He was the Chair of the Department of Political Science at York from 1988-1994. He was the General Co-editor of State and Economic Life series, U. of T. Press, from 1979 to 1995 and is the Co-founder and a Board Member of Studies in Political Economy. He is also the author of numerous articles and books dealing with political science including The End of Parliamentary Socialism (1997). He was a member of the Movement for an Independent and Socialist Canada, 1973-1975, the Ottawa Committee for Labour Action, 1975-1984, the Canadian Political Science Association, the Committee of Socialist Studies, the Marxist Institute and the Royal Society of Canada. He is currently a supporter of the Socialist Project and the Greater Toronto Workers Assembly (GTWA).<BR><BR>He is a prominent exponent of Marxism who sees his own work as theoretically innovative within that tradition, because he maintains that the dominance of the United States in the early years of the twenty-first century can't be understood using theories of imperialism that are themselves a century old.<BR><BR>He has argued, for example, that the concept of imperialism developed for the Victorian era over-emphasized the matter of the export of capital. Yet if one uses that as a yardstick today (he reasons) Great Britain is more a victim of U.S. imperialism than Kenya -- since American investors have much more at stake in the former than in the latter. The advanced industrial nations, in other words, are interpenetrating -- exporting capital to one another, not to the 'South,' and this requires a great deal of revision in Marxist-Leninist models.<BR><BR>Panitch has also argued that Marx was wrong to contend that the rise of trade unions would develop a socialistic class-consciousness in the working class. The association of workers for the purpose of collective bargaining has proven quite compatible with capitalism -- since such bargaining concerns the terms of wage labor, not the legitimacy of wage labor. He argues that Marxist political parties must abandon the assumption that there is anything inherently revolutionary about any class, so that they can get to work creating a self-conscious revolutionary class of wage earners, "articulating the articulation."<BR><BR>At the "Globalization, Justice and Democracy" symposium (Delhi University, November 11, 2010), Panitch, drawing on his book In and Out of Crisis (with Greg Albo and Sam Gindin), addressed a lack of ambition on the left which has been more debilitating than its lack of capacity in the current global economic crisis, and outlines the kinds of immediate demands for radical reforms as well as longer term socialist strategic orientation that is needed today.<BR><BR>Wikipedia