El principal objetivo se Simon Clarke con La teoría de la crisis en Marx es ofrecer un marco rotundo y ampliamente aceptado para el análisis de la crisis desde un punto de vista marxiano. Se trata de una empresa ardua, que ha desafiado en varias generaciones de investigadores. Por supuesto, este libro no resolvió todos los problemas implicados, pero tuvo un formidable impacto y obligó a generar un acuerdo con las tesis aquí desarrolladas. La contribución de Simon Clarke es doble: en primer lugar, reconstruye cuidadosamente la evolución del pensamiento de Marx sobre la crisis del capitalismo y esboza debates que, desde finales del siglo XIX, han rodeado la cuestión. En segundo lugar, utilizando la masa de notas dispersas y desorganizadas dejadas por Marx (la mayoría nunca publicadas durante su vida), Clarke intenta esbozar una teoría de la crisis. Al hacerlo, evita con éxito el problema que ha lastrado muchos intentos anteriores: la búsqueda de la justificación por parte de Marx de una única interpretación de la teoría de la crisis (ya sea la sobreproducción, el subconsumo, la desproporción o la caída tendencial de la tasa de ganancia).
Simon Clarke retired in September 2009 and is now Emeritus Professor. From 1991 until he retired he directed the Russian Research Programme in the Department, which studied various aspects of labour and employment relations in Russia and the former Soviet Union in collaboration with teams of Russian researchers associated with the Institute for Comparative Labour Relations Research (ISITO), an inter-regional organisation of labour researchers, based in Moscow with research teams in Moscow, Samara, Kemerovo, Perm, Ekaterinburg, Ulyanovsk, St Petersburg and Syktyvkar. Since 1998 the research programme has extended to comparative research on the development of trade unions and industrial relations in China and, more recently, in Vietnam. Full details of the research and access to many of our publications can be found on the website of the research programme.<BR><BR>Simon Clarke's main publications are The Foundations of Structuralism; Marx, Marginalism and Modern Sociology; Keynesianism, Monetarism and the Crisis of the State; Marx's Theory of Crisis and (with Peter Fairbrother, Michael Burawoy and Pavel Krotov) What About the Workers? Workers and the Transition to Capitalism in Russia; (with Peter Fairbrother and Vadim Borisov): The Workers' Movement in Russia. He has translated, edited and introduced a series of books published by Edward Elgar: Management and Industry in Russia; Conflict and Change in the Russian Enterprise; Labour Relations in Transition; The Russian Enterprise in Transition; Structural Adjustment without Mass Unemployment? and The State Debate. His most recent books are (with Sarah Ashwin)The Formation of a Labour Market in Russia, Trade Unions and Industrial Relations in Post-Communist Russia (Palgrave, Basingstoke and New York, 2002) , The Development of Capitalism in Russia (Routledge, 2007), (with Tim Pringle) The Challenge of Transition: Trade Unions in Russia, China and Vietnam (Palgrave, 2010).<BR><BR>http://homepages.warwick.ac.uk/~syrbe/