Sobre el electrochoque: ¿tiene lugar su práctica en la medicina basada en la evidencia?

07/06/2024 - 19:00
Duque de Alba 13
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Sobre el electrochoque: ¿tiene lugar su práctica en la medicina basada en la evidencia?


Charla divulgativa a cargo de John Read, profesor de Psicología Clínica en la Universidad de East London, investigador que ha publicado numerosos estudios sobre el uso y efectos de la denominada terapia electro-convulsiva, es presidente del International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal y forma parte de la junta directiva de Hearing Voices Network de Inglaterra.


Su intervención será presentada por activistas en salud mental.


John Read is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of East London. John worked for nearly 20 years as a clinical psychologist and manager of mental health services in the UK and the USA, before joining the University of Auckland, New Zealand, in 1994, where he worked until 2013.

He has published over 130 papers in research journals, primarily on the relationship between adverse life events (eg child abuse/neglect, poverty etc.) and psychosis. He also researches the negative effects of bio-genetic causal explanations on prejudice, the opinions and experiences of recipients of anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medication, and the role of the pharmaceutical industry in mental health research and practice.


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